A photographic and historical view of the city of Derby and its surroundings

Mark Miley

Derby In Pictures

A photographic and historical view of the city of Derby and its surroundings

Mark Miley

Derby In Pictures


Derby has two main cemeteries, Uttoxeter Road and Nottingham Road

Uttoxeter Road Cemetery

This lovely little cemetery on Uttoxetor Road was created in 1843 and is Grade 2 listed. According to some sites on the internet this is the 2nd oldest cemetery in England, however i can find no coroborating evidence for this. Known as the Old Cemetrry it was created by the Derby General Cemetery Company in response to the need to find a new burial site as all the existing ones were full. It was felt that the new site should be for the use of 'all denominations of Christians and all classes of the community'.The small cottage, previously the Sextons cottage was designed by a Mr J Hadfield and within the site are a number of monuments by Joseph Barlow Robinson who had previously worked as stone mason on the Houses of Parliament for Pugin and Barry

Nottingham Road Cemetery

This is the main municipal cemetery for the City of Derby. In 1853 the Derby Burial Board was formed with the goal of identifying cemetery space for the rapidly expanding town. The city was laid out by James Lee of London with planting advice from gardener William Barron who at the time was the head gardener of Elvaston Castle. It opened on May 1st 1855. Originally 32 acres it has expanded a number of times. The imposing, Grade II listed, gatehouse, was designed in the Gothic style featuring 2 lodges, a clock tower and wrought iron gates and was designed by local architect Henry Isaac Stevens. The cemetery contains 342 war graves, maintained by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, 195 from the First World War and 134 from the Second. There is a small plot of 40 graves clustered around a Cross of Sacrifice; the remainder are scattered throughout the cemetery

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