A photographic and historical view of the city of Derby and its surroundings

Mark Miley

Derby In Pictures

A photographic and historical view of the city of Derby and its surroundings

Mark Miley

Derby In Pictures

Lost and Forgotten Streets

Although many of the streets within the city can trace their history back many centuries, they did not always look as they do now. When they were originally laid out they were much narrower than they are now, their current width generally being a result of Victorian road widening. There are however a number of exceptions to this, the most obvious being Sadlergate. which still retains its medieval width and alignment. Although it is now pedestrianised this only occurred in the latter part of the 20th century and photographs exist of cars being driven along its narrow length. Other streets that still retain their medieval dimensions, but which are largely overlooked, include Thorntree Lane which runs from St Peter's Street down to the Morledge and George's Yard behind Sadlergate. There are also streets that are even narrower, an obvious example being Amen Alley beside the cathedral but also the lower part of Drewry Lane. Development over the city has also seen the loss of a number of streets, although just occasionally hints at their location survive. Two examples of this are Summer street and Upper Hill Street, although there are undoubtedly more and I will add these to this page as I find them. Photos and more information about the streets I have mentioned can be found below

College Place

Amen Alley

Thorntree Lane

Summer Street


Upper Hill Street

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