A photographic and historical view of the city of Derby and its surroundings

Mark Miley

Derby In Pictures

A photographic and historical view of the city of Derby and its surroundings

Mark Miley

Derby In Pictures

Museums and Galleries

Derby Museum and Art Gallery


Below are some photos of the lovely Museum and Art Gallery. Although quite small it has some wonderful displays. In recent years it has begun replacing some of its displays and this has resulted in some truly exceptional galleries. This includes the fascinating nature gallery and the new World Cultures Gallery which showcases the museums fascinating collection of ethnographic material. On top of all this the museum holds the worlds largest collection of paintings and drawings by the renowned Joseph Wright of Derby. A large selection of his paintings are on permanent display in a purpose built gallery.. There is also a military gallery devoted to the Sherwood Foresters and Derby regiments, a small local history section and a ceramics gallery showing some of the exquisite Royal Crown Derby porcelain  

Pickford's House

Pickford's House is an elegant Grade I listed Georgian town house built by local architect Joseph Pickford in 1770. This area was originally open land called Nun's Green however in the middle of the 18th century the Corporation had decided to sell it for building in order to raise much needed funds for town improvements. The result was the beautiful Georgian part of Friargate. Joseph Pickford was a prominent architect and he built this house not only as a family home but also as an office and a showroom of his talents. On his death in 1844 he left the house to a family member who sold it shortly after. Over the years it was sold many times and eventually was split into two dwellings before being purchased by the council in 1982 and converted into a Museum of Georgian Life and Costume.The lower, principal floors have been displayed in a manner that Pickford and his family may recognise, there is a temporary exhibition space upstairs and on the top floor a wonderful gallery showcasing a fabulous collection of toy theatres

Museum of Making

A fabulous new museum opened a couple of years ago in the city. Called the Museum of Making it showcases the creativity found in the city over the past 300 years. Situated in the world's first factory - the Silk Mill, it replaces the previous Industrial Museum which closed a few years ago. The Silk Mill was built in the 18th century and is believed to be the first purpose built factory in the world and sits at the head of the Derwent Valley World Heritage Site. Following a multi million pound refurbishment and rebrand the new museum is unique in its design and enables almost the entire collection to be put on display in a wonderfully innovative way 
The first set of photos show the building after it's closure. It shows the main exhibition space stripped back to its historic core and being made ready for the new exhibitions. The pictures show the current storage areas and some of the wonderful items in the collection

The final set of photos show the museum following completion and reopening. it has received many plaudits and was a finalist in the Museum of the year competition

Crich Tramway Village

The wonderful Crich Tramway Village is a recreated village that showcases the history of trams and tramways in the UK. The village is home to a collection of vintage trams that visitors can ride on, as well as a museum looking at the history of trams throughout the country, the workshops where the restoration and maintenance of the trams is carried out and a cafe. The village also hosts special events throughout the year, such as vintage tram rides, themed weekends, and Christmas celebrations. Crich Tramway Village is operated by the National Tramway Museum, a charity dedicated to preserving and promoting the history of trams in the UK. Of [articular interest is that the old facade of the Derby Assembly Rooms now forms the entrance to the indoor museum

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